ordering title year
72 「An extremophile-Bacillus sp. FW2 secreted multiple enzymes with high possibility in Food Waste degradation」, The 11th Asia-Pacific Landfill Symposium, 2022.11. EEAT(ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATION OF THAILAND 2022
71 「A Study On The Removal Of Nitrogen By Activating Autotrophs In Electronic Wastewater」, The 11th Asia-Pacific Landfill Symposium, 2022.11. EEAT(ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATION OF THAILAND 2022
69 「The Function of Non-polluting Additives and Microorganisms to Reduce Odor in the Mixed Composting of Food Waste and Livestock Manure」, The 11th Asia-Pacific Landfill Symposium, 2022.11. EEAT(ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATION OF THAILAND 2022


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67 「Bamboo biochar effects on gaseous emissions, physico-chemical and microbial community during poultry composting process」, ICCET2020, 2020.03. ?Prince Shri Venkateshwara Padmavathy Engineering College 2020
66 「In-Vessel composting and vermicomposting process for antibiotic residues degradation and livestock manure management」, ICCET2020, 2020.03. ?Prince Shri Venkateshwara Padmavathy Engineering College 2020
65 「Biochar efficiency on gaseous emission, physico-chemical nad microbial community during livestock manure in-vessel composting process」, ICCET, 2020.03. ?Prince Shri Venkateshwara Padmavathy Engineering College 2020
64 「Potential of bamboo biochar in livestock manure composting: effective change on nutrient, morphological and greenhouse gas emissions」, ICCET2020, 2020.03. ?Prince Shri Venkateshwara Padmavathy Engineering College 2020


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63 「Study on selective oxidation of ammonia using preparation method(Pt precursor, substrate type) of Pt-based photocatalyst」, 2019 4th international conference on environmental engineering and sustainable development, pp.26-26, 2019.12. CEESD2019 2019
62 「Fajbrication & optimization of adsorbent made of sewage sludge for removal of hydrogen sulfide(H2S)」, 2019 4th international conference on environmental engineering and sustainable development, pp.24-24, 2019.12. CEESD2019 2019
61 「Exploring the effect of specific bacterial strains on volatile fatty acids production and energy generation」, 2019 4th international conference on environmental engineering and sustainable development, pp.29-29, 2019.12. CEESD2019 2019
60 「a study on the preparation of production of complex odor adsorbent and enhancement of adsorption performance by metal oxide coating」, 2019 4th international conference on environmental engineering and sustainable development, pp.18-18, 2019.12. CEESD2019 2019
59 「influence of modified black carbon on physico-chemical, gaseous emissions, and microbial community during hanwoo manure composting process」, pollutant toxic ions & molecules, pp.113-113, 2019.11. proteomassm bioscope 2019
58 「use of biochar and constructed wetland in a rapid infiltration system for treating dormitory sewage」, ICAFEE, 2019.10. ICAFEE 2019
57 「sewage treatment and reuse by a two-step system of developed vertical flow and free water surface constructed wetland」, ICAFEE, 2019.10. ICAFEE 2019
56 「highly photocatalytic performance toward organic dyes under simulated sunlight irradiation by a novel magnetic CuFe2O4@porphyrin nanofibers hybrid material fabricated via self-assembly`」, 4th international conference on alternative fuels, energy and environment(ICAFEE):future and challenges, 2019.10. ICAFEE 2019
55 「microbial community during swine manure composting process」, SRM(1권), pp.6-6, 2019.08. SRM institute of science and technology 2019
54 「CO2 methanation based on carjbon recycling system using electrolysis treatment」, 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT(1권), pp.140-140, 2019.06. WEB-IDEA.GR 2019
53 「Antibiotic residues in Livestock waste: Public health risk and waste management practices」, International conference on recent trends in chemistry and biosciences, 2019.05. International conference on recent trends in chemistry and biosciences 2019
52 「Biological Control of Swine Waste Odor Through Biofilm-Forming Microbial Consortia」, ANEH2019 PROCEESDINGS, pp.93-93, 2019.02. ANEH2019 2019
51 「Adsorption fo Arsenic using Biochar Derived from Cherry tree」, ANEH2019 PROCEESDINGS, pp.274-274, 2019.02. ANEH2019 2019
50 「A study of electrospinning of zeolite carbon nanofiber for removal of vocs」, ANEH2019 PROCEESDINGS, pp.273-273, 2019.02. ANEH2019 2019
49 「A Study on Ammonia Removal in Water using Zeolite Membrane Produced by Electrospinning Method」, ANEH2019 PROCEESDINGS, pp.272-272, 2019.02. ANEH2019 2019
48 「Modified Biochar in Livestock Manure Composting: Effective changes on Nutrient Properties and Greenhouse Gas Emissions」, ANEH2019 PROCEESDINGS, pp.263-263, 2019.02. ANEH2019 2019


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47 「Biodegradation Behaviour of Alginic Acid Treated Flax Fibres/ Poly(Hydroxybutyrate-co-valerate) PHBV Green Composites in Compost Medium」, Biological Waste as Resource 2019, pp.185-185, 2018.12. BWR2018 2018
46 「Potential of Biochar in Livestock Manure Composting: Effective changes onNutritive, Morphological, Thermal Properties and Greenhouse Emissions」, Biological Waste as Resource 2019, pp.134-134, 2018.12. BWR2018 2018
45 「Optimization of operating condition of disk type catalyst for CO2 methanation reaction」, Asia-Pacific Landfill symposium, 2018.11. APLAS TOKYO 2018 2018
44 「evaluation of applicability of CO2 methanation efficiency using various Ni-based forming catalysts」, Asia-Pacific Landfill sumposium, 2018.11. APLAS TOKYO 2018 2018
43 「statistical analysis by main factor monitoring and correlation analysis on anaerobic digestion of FWL」, Asia-Pacific Landfill symposium, 2018.11. APLAS TOKYO 2018 2018
42 「a study on kinetic characteristics of CO2 methanation reaction targeting CO2 of biogas」, Asia-Pacific Landfill symposium, 2018.11. APLAS TOKYO 2018 2018
41 「Degradation of swine manure during in-vessel composting with biochar effects」, ARC Conference 2018, 2018.11. ARC conference 2018 2018
40 「Mechanical pretreatment of FOG and thickened wastewater sludge mixture for improvement of mesophilic anaerobic co-digestion performance and biogas pro」, 1st International Conference on Water Resources and Sustainability (ICWRS), pp.213-213, 2018.10. Southeast University, China 2018
39 「Microalgae consortia cultivation using anaerobic liquid digestate: influence of digestate concentration on biomass, lipid and protein production」, 1st International Conference on Water Resources and Sustainability (ICWRS), pp.216-216, 2018.10. Southeast University 2018
38 「Developed nickel-based catalysts selecting TiO2, Al2O3, Y2O3, and CeO2 as supporters for enhanced performance of CO2 methanation activity」, 1st International Conference on Water Resources and Sustainability, pp.79-79, 2018.10. Southeast University 2018
37 「Effect of biochar on nutrient dynamics and gaseous emmisions during swine manuare in-vessel composting」, Abstract book on Bioresoures, Energy, Environment, and Materials Technology, 2018.06. KBRC 2018
36 「contribution of antibiotics to the fate of antibiotic resistance genes in anaerobic treatment process of swine wastewater」, BEEM 2018, 2018.06. BEEM 2018 2018
35 「a new hybrid sewage treatment system combining RPS and MBR for improved efficiency of biological nitrogen removal」, AMBRES 2018, 2018.04. AMBRES 2018 2018
34 「Utilization of waste fat, oil and grease(FOG) for the improvement of fermentative hydrogen production」, ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY(255집), 2018.03. American Chemical Society 2018


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33 「Methane potential of various organic wastes: study of biochemical methane potential(BMP) test before co-digestion」, 2015 ICESSD Abstract, 2015.10. ICESSD 2015
32 「Enhancement of anaerobic biodegradability and solubilization by thermal pre-treatment of waste activated sludge」, 2015 ICESSD Abstract, 2015.10. ICESSD 2015
31 「A new porous catalystic filter for CO2 methanation」, 2015 international conference on environmental science and sustainable development Abstract, 2015.10. ICESSD 2015


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30 「Silver Nanoparticles Pretreatment Altered Organ Disposition of [14C]Cholesterol in C57BI/mice」, Conference on sustainable development of energy, waster and environment systems, 2013.09. Sustainable development of energy, waster and environment systems 2013
29 「Photocatalytic degradation, adsorption and statistical analysis for lincomycin removal using TiO2/HAP/Ge composite」, The 5th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition, 2013.09. IWA-ASPIRE 2013
28 「Optimization of TiO2/Ge composition for amoxicillin photocatalytic degradation using response surface method and daphnia magna immobilization test for」, The 5th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition, 2013.09. IWA-ASPIRE 2013
27 「A photocatalytic degradation of 4-chlorophenol using Ag/TiO2/Fe3O4 composite」, The 5th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition, 2013.09. IWA-ASPIRE 2013
26 「The effect of construction and demolition(C&D) waste on The oroduction of high concentration of H2S at the landfill site」, The 5th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition, 2013.09. IWA-ASPIRE 2013
25 「Ecotoxicity assessment of leachate from foot and mouth disease carcass burial site using a battery of bioassay」, The 5th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition, 2013.09. IWA-ASPIRE 2013
24 「Optimization of biogas production for waste activated sludge by thermal pre-treatment and anaerobic digestion」, The 5th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition, 2013.09. IWA-ASPIRE 2013


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23 「Photocatalytic degradation of the antibiotics by using response surface methodology(RSM)」, Proceeding of 2nd International chemical and environmental engineering conference, pp.109-109, 2011.12. World academy of research and publication 2011


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22 「Decomposition and mineralization of fungicide by ioning radiation using a DOE and acute toxicity assessment」, Procedding of IWA chemical industries 2008 international conference, pp.51-51, 2008.11. IWA(International Water Association) 2008


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21 「Process evaluation of advanced wastewater treatment process with IMET system for stastical process control」, WaterMicro 2007, pp.331-334, 2007.09. IWA 2007


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20 「Isolationm identification and characterization of MTBE degrading bacteria」, International meeting of the federation of korean microbiological societies, 2005.05. Korean microbiological socity 2005


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19 「Kinetic and characterization studes for BTEX and TCE by toluene mixed culture」, Proceeding of meeting of the federation of korea microbiological socities, pp.198-198, 2004.10. korea microbiological socities 2004
18 「Degradation of BTEX and trichloroethylene by toluene utilizing mixed culture」, Proceeding of the meeting of the federation of korea microbiological socities, pp.198-, 2004.10. Korean microbiological socity 2004


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17 「Phytoremediation of atrazine at high concentrations by poplar tree: toxicity, uptake, and transformations」, IWA WATERQUAL, 2003.09. IWA 2003
16 「phtoremediation foe non-point source control using polar tree: pilot scale demonstration」, IWA ASIAN WATERQUAL, 2003.09. IWA 2003


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15 「Cooxidation of naphthalene and other polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by the nitrifying bacterium」, Biodegradation(13권 6호), pp.373-381, 2002.12. Kluwer Academic Publishers 2002
14 「포플러나무에 의한 비점오염원 제어 Pilot 규모 실험 」, 2nd International Symposium, Green Korea, pp.243-247, 2002.11. KIST 2002
13 「Biodegradation of MTBE and other gasoline oxygenated by butane-utilizing microorganisms」, Environmental Geotechnology and Global Sustainable Development(6집), pp.215-218, 2002.07. International Society Environmental Geotechnology 2002


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12 「Microbical Degradation of Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylene Isomers(BTEX) Contaminated Groundwater in Korea」, water science and technology(44권 7호), pp.165-171, 2001.11. IWA 2001


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11 「Biodegradation of MTBE and other gasoline components by pure and mixed culture grown on butane」, Proceedings of advanced environmental monitoring, pp.328-329, 2000.10. K-JIST 2000
10 「Biodegradation studies of 4-nitroanisole and other aromatic compounds by soil nitrifying bacterium」, Proceedings of advanced environmental monitoring, pp.326-327, 2000.10. K-JIST 2000
9 「Microbial degradation fo benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene isomers(BTEX) contaminated groundwater in korea」, IAWQ, pp.618-625, 2000.01. IAWQ 2000
8 「A study on the groundwater contamination focused on VOCs in chun-nam in korea」, IAWQ, pp.626-629, 2000.01. IAWQ 2000


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7 「The Studies of Toxic Effects on Nitrifying Bacteria in Cometabolic Degradation of Naphthalene」, 3rd IAWQ Specialized Conference on Hazard Assessment..., 1999.12. IAWQ 1999
6 「Toxic Effects of Naphthalene Degradation on Nitrifying Bacteria」, The 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Envi. Monitoring, pp.106-, 1999.11. Kwangju Institute of Science and Technology 1999
5 「Biodegradation of Aromatic Ethers by Nitrifying Bacteria」, In-Situ and On-Site Bioremediation, pp.131-136, 1999.04. Battelle Press 1999


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4 「Degradation of polyaromatic hydrocarbon(PAH) using phenol Utilizing Bacteria」, "Advanced Wastewater Treatment, Recycling and Reuse"(2권), pp.607-615, 1998.09. IAWQ 1998
3 「Nitrifying Bacteria as "priming catalysts" for the biodegradation of Xenobiotics」, Remediation of Chlorinated Recalcitrant Compounds, pp.51-55, 1998.05. Battle Press, Columnbus,OH(USA) 1998
2 「Biodegradation of dibenzo-p-dioxin by nitrifying bacteria」, 2nd Japanese-Korean solid waste Engineering, pp.13-21, 1998.05. Korean solid waste eng. society 1998
1 「Co-metabolic Degradation of PAHs using phenol-Oxidizing Bacteria」, Joint Conference on the Environment, pp.47-52, 1998.03. New Mexico state University(USA) 1998